Pandemic-Related Delays and Changes

Subscription Update: News Regarding Subscriptions, Delays, and Changes Related to Covid-19
As you are aware, the nationwide “stay-at-home” orders resulted in widespread disruptions. We were not immune to these disruptions, and as a result, want to inform our subscribers about potential issues related to their magazine subscriptions.
Several subscriptions submitted during this period are likely to be delayed. Additionally, many publishers and fulfillment houses were forced to close down during this period and have only recently started re-opening. Upcoming issues may go to print late, meaning they will be mailed out to you later than normal.
Our team has continued working remotely at full capacity in order to best resolve issues and respond to inquiries, all of which we addressed in a timely manner. We have worked around the clock to directly follow up with individual subscribers whose subscriptions have been placed on hold or delayed and will continue to do so.
We have outlined below a list of magazines affected however, please note that this is not an exhaustive list. Not all publishers have provided us with information regarding delays and changes and we will continue to update you as soon as we receive any information.
The following publications are among the most impacted:
1. Most international magazines have been placed on hold due to distribution issues, with the exception of Australian publications. All subscriptions will be extended by the number of issues missed.
2. Some sports magazines will be delayed or will have their delivery frequency changed. The most affected publication is Steelers Digest magazine. Such publications have been removed from our catalog until publishing resumes and we are able to provide subscribers with reliable and acceptable delivery timelines. Please rest assured that all paid issues will be delivered, and subscriptions extended by the number of issues missed.
3. Publishers in California have closed until mid-summer, based on state orders. High Times is one of the magazines affected.
4. Madavor Media, LLC has made the decision to temporarily move all titles to a digital format until further notice. Current subscribers will receive a postcard instructing them to provide their email address, and that will allow them to access their magazine subscriptions electronically. The following are the magazines from this publisher:
- BirdWatching
- Diabetes Self Management
- Digital Photo Pro
- Golf Tips
- International Figure Skating
- JazzTimes
- Outdoor Photographer
- Plane & Pilot
- The Writer
For more specific details regarding any of your subscriptions, please contact us. Most subscriptions will remain unaffected. Please review delivery timelines from your account HERE or follow the FAQ & More Info on each magazine for tentative dates that are based on the frequency of the publication.
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