Cigar Aficionado is edited for successful, extremely affluent men. It covers information on fine cigars plus life's other great pleasures: fine dining and entertaining, the finest wines and spirits, world travel and the arts. Cigar Aficionado is a magazine for the man who enjoys life’s great pleasur..
Esquire magazine is a mix of entertainment and enlightenment - stories that amaze and intrigue, fantastic fiction, current fashion, sports, great places to do cool things, advice on nutrition and sexual fitness and fabulous women...
GQ helps you look sharp and live smart. Each issue brings you revealing sports profiles, intimate photos of today's hottest up & coming actresses and models, tips on fine food & drink, sex, politics, fashion and grooming advice, The Style Guy's answers to your questions and so much more!..
Maxim is written for young, professional men who are confident, intelligent, everyday guys. It serves as both a fun and informative publication, delivering a healthy balance of accessible service with a humorous tone...